Season 1 Reviews
Trouble with Harry


Astronaut Dreams
Time Out of Mind
The Choices We Make
L.D.U. - 7
Trouble with Harry
Vanishing Point

I will put in bluntly Ted Raimi stole the show. I don't remember too many guest stars stealing the show from the main cast that often on television. When I first saw him, I thought he was going to have a small or stupid role since so many shows do not know how to write a role for him. However, the role h played in this episode are the best kinds of roles for Ted Raimi. He is at his best with the quirky humor, but at the same time a kind and sensitive guy. Ted Raimi is an under-rated actor, he is an all around quality actor who is good everything. There is not one thing he does better anything else; he can literally do it all. For the most part his antics in this episode were nothing short of a riot. I wonder how much was ad libbed, probably enough to make its own episode.


Many of the scenes set us up to care about Harry and get involved in his journey. I enjoyed Neil and Harry talking about Star Trek physics and how real they are. I enjoyed the Kurt and Neil scenes because in the end it brought out a very human comment from Kurt. Harry asked how we could live with such bliss and Kurt said that sometimes we forget how beautiful love can really be. The real touching moment came when Harry took little Corey to Sara because she missed her son. This is Ted Raimi at his finest; he showed his range doing the dramatic story going in between his hilarious hijinks.

Ted is one of those rare actors that is just fun to watch. He works hard to bring out the littlest things in a character and story, just to emphasize how important the overall message is. He has fun doing something he truly loves doing and that is acting. He will never get credit as a serious actor, but with his performance in Odyssey 5, he gets the appreciation and acknowledgement from those who watch and work on the show. On behalf of all Odyssey 5 fans, I say thank you for the superb effort and hope you can come back sometime in the future. This is Odyssey 5 at its finest, need I say more.

This is the shortest review you will ever see for Odyssey 5, but this episode was superb in all aspects. Ted Raimi made this episode work very well, and this is one of my two top favorite episodes. I talked about Ted simply because these are the roles he excels in. He has played all kinds of roles before, but for once, he got to do what he does best. The Odyssey 5 cast and crew gave him that chance and they all put that extra effort into this episode and it showed. The story was well done, with a dark twist three quarters of the way through but with a good happy ending considering this show does not have very many, if any, of them. I am speechless and just want to say to the cast, crew, and everyone that you all did excellent work. Just do not think my focus on Ted is ignoring your efforts. It is not; actually, it is the opposite.

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